Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Spell For Chameleon

A few days ago, I finished an action-packed fantasy book my grampa gave me called A Spell For Chameleon, by Piers Anthony.  A book unlike most I have been reading recently, it starts off with the main character, a 25-year-old man named Bink, in the North Village of Xanth, where he lives.  Everyone in Xanth is born with a unique magical talent that only they can do.  For example, Bink's financee Sabrina has the talent of making holographs in  the air, and the village bullies have talents like creating poison gas and making mirage-holes.  Unfortunately, poor Bink is the only one born without a talent. Or so he thinks.
And so Bink sets off on a journey to the Good Magician Humfrey's castle to determine if he has a hidden talent.  Along the way, he meets a centaur named Cherie, attends a hearing, fights a dragon, meets a sorceress of illusion, and saves the life of a wounded soldier.
After Bink meets the Good Magician, I thought the story would end, but boy, was I wrong.  I can't tell you much more of what happens without giving important parts of the book away, but I can tell you that Bink meets the Evil Magician Trent and finds out something about him he never would have guessed, discovers a secret connecting three girls he met on his quest, fights battles and magical plants, and most importantly, realizes a very important thing about himself.
Since this book is about a 25-year old, I would say that you should be at least twelve to read it and also to really enjoy it.  I think this is great novel, and although I felt like giving up on it once or twice because it was so long and the print so small, it is a book definitely worth reading.  I would give A Spell For Chameleon 4.7 out of 5 stars.  Oh, and by the way, if you like this book, there are ten more in this series to read and enjoy!

♥☮☺ Rosalind ♥☮☺

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